Wednesday, May 11, 2011

meeting the fatherless

Last Saturday morning we went to a local orphanage.  I wasn't sure what to expect - I didn't know how many kids were there, their ages, what the place would look like, what we could do to help, anything.  Our expat friend who visits pretty often said it would be no problem to take our kids, so we loaded up early in the morning, picked up five college students (all girls) and drove out.

Not easy to come up with a word to describe it.  Good?  Well, no, I mean, there is nothing good about orphan-hood.  It is FAR from God's intention of a family.  Hard?  Of course.  But the "worth it" kind of hard. 

I hope we go back.  Oh how we want to bring one of these fatherless into our family!  We talked with our kids a lot about orphans and God's heart for the fatherless and caring for the least of these in the week leading up to our trip.  I am grateful that even though they are exposed to some mature situations they can learn and know (appropriate levels) of suffering and see how dearly the Lord loves ALL people.

So there were about 50 kids there - all ages. Some were severely physically and mentally handicapped.  I think there were five caregivers.  Total.  FIVE!!!

The orphanage was in ok shape.  I wouldn't live there, but then again I belong to the wealthiest segment of the world's population and my idea of "acceptable" housing is luxurious compared to where half of the people in the world spend their days and nights! 

I loved the baby room (surprise surprise).  So did my kids.  Isaac so enjoyed playing with some of the littler boys - there were three or four that were all just a little younger than he was.  And some of the older kids were just precious too .... and sweet to play with Isaac.

All three of my kiddos love to hold babies.  Any baby that comes in our house is greeted with three clamoring sets of hands eager to be first to hold it :)  But Julianna is the only one who is really strong  enough and reliable enough to snuggle one all by herself for any extended period of time.  Check out this precious little girl cuddled in Julianna's arms.  Sound asleep. 

We brought supplies to make a craft and the children seemed to really enjoy it - though it was a smidge chaotic at times :)  One newer arrival (an older child) to the orphanage seemed to really struggle with this kind of group activity.... can you imagine?

I was proud of my girls who jumped in and colored at the table right along side the rest of them - it was without a doubt one of the more unique groups they have ever been a part of.  Disabled kids, rowdy kids, struggling kids.  And guess what?  They all like (and fight over) crayons! 

The next day was Mother's Day.  A sweet day to celebrate my children, dream of God adding to our family, and remember the sweet little ones who have no mother. 

And pray earnestly that God would set the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6). 


Mom/Grandmama said...

What an awesome experience for your children and a heartbreaking one for you. We'll be praying for the orphans and for their five caretakers. How else can we help?

Jaci said...

I echo your prayer. Lizzy often cries (sobs) thinking about kids that do not have any mommies or daddies...and as much as I hate to see her sad, I hope her heart will always break for those things that break the heart of our Father. Love you!