Wednesday, May 18, 2011

our first harvest

Time to eat!  Our first batch of little cabbage is ready for the wok!

It's hard for me to believe that anything managed to grow in this little plot of ground.  Isaac uses it as a pseudo-sandbox and the water play in the courtyard tends to leave it drenched.  Friends yesterday said we should try a rice paddy - then the flooded patch of dirt would be more appropriate! 

But stuff IS growing.  We picked the first fruits of our little cabbage Monday afternoon and sent each of our dinner guests home with a bag. We picked again today and took some to a friend. 

The bathing-suit clad harvesters are pretty serious about their work.  If it wasn't for supervisor Matt on the scene we'd be looking at guaranteed mayhem.  Isaac is still a tad zealous about the picking but (luckily) got distracted trying to fit his crops into the plastic bag and the patch has not been picked clean - yet! 

All in all, it's really a fun little family project and I'm amazed at how it holds the kids interest.  Julianna has learned to dig out weeds carefully so she gets rid of the whole root system.  Lydia planted fruit that is dropping off trees in our complex in anticipation of next year's harvest.  And Isaac, well he and his little shovel are quite a pair... toss in a bit of water and he is one happy (dirty) little boy.

We plan to pick the rest of the little cabbage this Friday and eat it up (and give the extra away)... then it's time to replant.  Our cucumber plant is flowering, our pumpkin plant is spreading (but no pumpkin yet) and the tomatoes crawl up their stakes.  Summertime!!!!


Mom/Grandmama said...

Nothing sweeter than the first fruits of your labors! A wonderful learning experience too. We love you all and miss you!

Grandma Jan said...

Green thumbs everywhere, and what fun to have a little earth to call your own. Mud pie making and all kids should have that experience but I'm sad to wonder if my children did much of it living in the city?,(I loved cooking with mud as a little girl). Have fun harvesting and planting some more. Love, Jan

Krisanne said...

Nice work! Jonah is starting to really like digging and exploring in our grass, but we haven't set him loose in the garden yet. :) Those eggplants I wanted to make baba ganoush with ended up with lots of worms... :( But more are growing, and we're loving our tomatoes and will probably soon eat our first papaya from our tree and a jackfruit from our jackfruit tree. Yay for gardening!

Julie Redfern said...

So neat! Glad the kids are loving it. CAroline and WIll want a garden so bad but with us planning on being gone all summer it would be a little hard to do. Plus people haven't even planted anything here yet!!

JBC said...

I consider it a success that I have kept plants in my office alive for over 2 weeks! The kids are waaaaay ahead of me ;).