Yes, I do realize that most ultrasound photos look like .... well, absolutely nothing. Especially early ones (this is an 8 week old shot - taken 6 weeks ago when the baby was teeny tiny... but it sure was good to see the heart beating strong and steady!)
Honestly, we're both a little overwhelmed at the prospect of having three so young. [Quick little review for those of you non-grandmothers who don't have our kids birth dates memorized: Julianna turns three in December, Lydia will be 18 months in February and this little one is set to arrive in March.]
I spent most of the first two months of this pregnancy wondering just how in the world I was going to make life "tick" with three so little. China is a challenging place to raise kids, and the entire social structure is built around the assumption that families have only one child, and four grandparents who are ready to care for the baby. [Two social planning policies make this a reality: First, the one child policy which limits most couples to one birth. Second, mandatory early retirement (often age 50, depends on the career) - intended to open up the job market and provide college grads with employment opportunities.]
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. We're having another baby! Plans are to move to Beijing for about a month while we wait for this little one to arrive (health care here in our city is not considered adequate and expat doctors recommend moving to a city with more developed health care options for childbirth).
Julianna is really excited. Her first response when we told her? A joyful "oh! God gave us another baby!" She frequently asks to look inside my belly and see the baby. And when the baby comes out? Well, she is bound and determined that she is going to hold it (she must mention this at least once a day). In the meantime, as she waits for our new baby, she spends a good portion of her day taking care of her baby dolls (see yesterday's photo).
Lydia, on the other hand, is less enthusiastic. Or, more accurately, less aware of what is happening. But she is a loving care-taker for the dolls and stuffed animals in our home, so I hope that's a good sign. Check out this little video of her preparing for the big sister role:
One last thing. I must confess that I am hoping for another little girl. Matt? Well, he's just hoping that if it is a girl, all three sisters decide to get married on the same day :)
Well, I copied and enlarged the ultrasound photo and could see a mass of cells - but they did almost look like they were moving even in the still photo! We are so excited! And obviously Julianna is too - already practicing for her expanding role as big sister. Love, Mom/Grandmama
Loved Lydia's care taking video too! She's going to give Julianna a run for her money in helping Mama take care of baby #3!
Congratulations! That is so exciting, and overwhelming-I'm sure! Love,
Congratulations Matt and Laura!!
Yay! another baby! Congratulations to all of you. And Laura, I think it's going to be another girl.
Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear what you're having!
Wonderful news! Congratulations. We love keeping up with your family and are confident you will do a fantastic job raising all three little ones.
Dave,Becky,&Caleb Loyd
Wow!! God Bless You all! Congratulations
Uncle Mark
YEAH! I love seeing the picture even if it IS old. What a sweet video! I will be praying for you all!!
I love you friend!
Congrats Laura & Matt! What happy news! I will be listening for how to handle three. From what I hear, it's hardly a bump after being used to two. Another parent told me it's like being in a basketball game - someone's always fouled out, but the game keeps going. I liked that analogy! I'm so happy for you all and loved hearing the updates on Julianna and Lydia!
CONGRATS!!! How amazing, Laura! That is wonderful news! Our Mackenzie was 3 1/2 when Caleb came along...and yes, three that close together IS busy! But, what a blessing!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! :-)
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