Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ready for a new topic

I thought it might be fun to write a post that was not about sleep and puke.  But I will say this...  we are sleeping okay and we are healthy.

Our conference is full speed ahead and between meetings and trying to reconnect with many old friends, our schedule is packed pretty full.  But full of really good things.  Childcare keeps the children busy in the mornings - crafts, snacks, games, lessons, etc.  Julianna's class is learning the Ten Commandments and this morning before breakfast she nailed the first two - I haven't asked her yet, but I'm sure they learned another one or two today. 

The weather is starting to settle and seem normal.  For the first few days every time we put on shoes Lydia would say "but we don't need our boots or jackets"!  And it's been a long time since I heard Julianna complain about being hot, but we went out yesterday afternoon and she was "so hot and tired of walking".  (We did walk a long way, and she was a trooper on the skytrain and all manner of crazy huge city landscapes and experiences.) 

There are so many people here that we share much history with - it's a bit overwhelming to walk into the room (over 1000 people from 18 countries) and realize how much of our lives we have invested in Asia.  In some weird way, it feels homey to be in Thailand, in a hotel, full of all these people. 

And, as of right now, this hotel room is as "home" as it gets for us, so I'll take it :) 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Sounds like you're all doing great and having great fun too. That Lydia is right, no boots or jackets - must be a wonder to change climates and cultures too! We love you!

Paul said...

glad you are home, and I know it feels good

JJ said...

I wish we were there! Maybe you can meet my nephew Maddox at some point! Enjoy it !!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Julianna, boots & jackets won't even do ND temperatures this week! This evening it is -15 F.
Going outside is a sprint to the cold car to warm the engine, return to the house for 10 minutes, then hope the C on the heat indicator has moved up onto the indicator lines.
Yes, too cold to even think of fun in the snow.
I'm so very thankful you and your family are feeling the comfort of friend and warm weather. Love you all, BN

Lori Heydt said...

Thinking of you and your sweet and hugs to you ALL!!!