Thursday, January 13, 2011

en route

Technically, we are already en route, "on our way" halfway around the world.  We leave tomorrow morning (Friday) on a 6 am flight, which means we have to be at the airport at 4ish, and we live over an hour from the airport and it's been lightly snowing for four straight days and you never know what the weather will do, so we decided to drive down to Fargo a night early.

Just got the kids out of the hotel pool, quick dip in the tub, and into their pjs.  They are as clean as they will get for the next 48-72-96 hours??  Depends on how quickly we get our acts together and bathe our children in Thailand!

From Friday at 4am til Saturday mid-afternoon (CST) we'll be in transit.... we'll be "in transition" for much longer, months actually.  Prayers appreciated and we'll update again from the other side!

PS - Isaac seems pretty healthy, still hanging on to an occasional dry shallow cough, but nothing that worries me (or him!).  So, as far as I can tell, we are starting mostly healthy and hoping to stay that way!


Rob and Carrie said...

We'll be praying for you!

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Prayers for you all - will miss you being in the States but look forward to hearing from you when you get there and settled. Love ya -

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful seeing you in NC and spending a little time with your precious children. We are praying for safe travels and smooth transitions for you all over the next few months. Thank you for sharing your family life through your blog! Robin & Michael

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for health and safety as you travel-
We loved being with you all, you are very special! We will miss not seeing you, but I will continue to check your blog :)
Love, Jeni J

Staci said...

We will be praying for you guys as you travel and get settled!! Blessings!