Sunday, January 16, 2011


We made it.  All in all, the trip went very smooth and we are so grateful for your prayers.  There were several times that Matt and I would look at one another and say “people must be praying for us”.

Our first “night” in Bangkok was a short one.  We pulled up to the hotel about 1am local time and the kids were awake by 6.  Thank you JET LAG!   The kids got lots of sleep on the plane (yay!) but Matt and I are both very low on sleep.  I started trying to count how many hours we’ve slept in the past three days but quickly realized the number was so low I didn’t want to know :)

Isaac’s stomach is not doing too well.  I originally hoped that maybe it was just jet lag, but he isn’t getting better and now throws up even sips of water.  Ugh.  So, while I am thankful this did not start on the travel day(s) I am not sure what the next few days hold. 

Matt just endured the brutal task of waking the girls from naps (waking jet lagged children is so difficult!).… and he headed out the door with two very sleepy-eyed little ladies on their way to the pool.  I am back in the room with sleeping Isaac (who missed most of his nap throwing up but is now sleeping). 

Hoping and praying that Isaac heals quickly and that tonight holds good rest for all five of us!  Thanks again for praying!


Krisanne said...

So glad you made it and that the trip went relatively well! Praise God! Now praying for a healthy Isaac and good rest for all 5 of you! That's a big bummer that he's sick... :( Fun to know we're in the same time zone again. Love you you all!

Leslie said...

So glad you made it safely. Praying for quick recovery for the little guy and a really fun vacation for all of you!

Mom/Grandmama said...

So sad to hear Isaac is sick - hope it's just a jetlag reaction and not a bug for you all to catch! Loving you and praying for you, Mom

Paul said...

Sawadi-kap and I too wish Isaac quick recovery and all of you rapid adjustment to weather, time. and place. Wish I were there !
love, Dad/GrandDad

The Huffmans said...

Glad you made it and that the travel went so smoothly for you! Miss you guys already! Will be praying for you as you take care of sick/jet lagging kids. lots of love-EA

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

I echo others' gladness for your arrival and prayers for Isaac (and that he is only one with this!). Take care - glad to know you have good medical care there if needed too!

kkvernen said...

Yeah for a good trip there! Boo for a sick little boy! We are praying that it goes through quickly and that you can start enjoying the beauty that surrounds you. Just to let you know, the skin on my face instantly hurt when I stepped out the door this morning! I wish I were there with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't God Great! not only does He answer prayer, He assures us, allows us to recognize it is His comfort & way.
Sleep, healing & the coming together of internal clock time to the clock on the wall time.
We love you, miss you,