Monday, January 17, 2011

day two

I am pretty sure this is day two of our time in Thailand - it's hard to know how to count the days, and I just found out earlier this morning that today is Monday.  Good to know.

Isaac is much improved (not thrown up since last night), and no one else has started throwing up, so I am encouraged that we are on our way to health.  But not positive, and trying to keep my expectations low :) 

Day one we finished a 30-something hour journey at 1am, kids slept about four hours (Matt and I got less than three).  Girls napped, hated (with a gut-wreching passion) waking up, and barely stumbled their way to bedtime (about 7:45).  Isaac ended up getting quite a big chunk of sleep from 3 til 6pm, woke for an hour or so and then went to bed again. 

By the time the girls were in bed last night, I was about three inches away from totally destroyed.  Had not slept, had cleaned way too much throw up, spent hours cuddling one pretty miserable little boy, and endured supper with two very sleepy daughters.  I wanted sleep, but was dreading the night ahead, sure that Isaac would be throwing up and the girls would be wide awake before midnight.  

But mercy fell upon our hotel room, and there was lots of sleep, way more than I ever anticipated.  Thank you Jesus. 

So though today still dawned a little too bright and early for my tastes (and, honestly, way before 'dawn' officially arrived!) we are doing ok.  I wasn't really sleeping well anyways. 

We started meetings today, the girls were happy at childcare, and Isaac was mostly content to be in the back of the meeting room with Matt and me.  The real big conference starts tomorrow, and if Isaac stays healthy he'll be in childcare too.

Thank you for praying.  It is significant to me, to know that you are "out there", and you care about our family.  


Tubularity said...
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Tubularity said...
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Chris said...

Laura - you're here!! We'd love to see you and you're still welcome to stay with us!!! We have plenty of room!! Plus, it'll give you a chance to sleep while we entertain the kiddos! :) My email is: and here are our numbers: 0873220274 (cell) 022371810 (home). Please email or give us a call...I know you're really jetlagged, but hey, you have some free babysitters here! :) Hope to see you soon!
Love, Jacci Grawburg

Julie Redfern said...

Glad you made it. Hope Isaac is feeling better and the sleep gets better every night.
Love Julie

The Huffmans said...

Glad things are getting easier. Glad you got some sleep. Lots of love to you. Thinking of you!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Wow, almost more than a body can stand. This may be your worse trip ever in terms of the children's ages and ability to understand and cope with what's going on. We love you and continue to pray for you all!

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Praise be for better sleep than you expected and a healthier Isaac - hope you all are adjusted sooner than you expect as well!

Jaci said...

So glad you are there. So sorry for all of the puke and headache and so very thankful that Jesus gave you the rest that you were craving. I know the feeling...entirely different circumstances...but know the craving for sleep. It really is such a gift.

I love you all so much. Hoping and will be praying for all of the transitions to go well these next weeks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Enjoyed birthday.. "Sisters are special".
Your Mom is a wonderful sister. Trust you have some time to rest, get healthy, and vacation a few days. Think of you often.
Love Aunt Val