Yeah, exactly.
Maybe next time.
But that is my photographic proof that MATT IS HOME! Yay! And thanks to Mom's presence, we all survived. And had a bunch of fun too :)
Mom's here for a few more days, and we've got some good stuff planned to round out her visit. Matt has a bit of time off too, and I am enjoying every minute!
I think I remember seeing a photo or two of Paul and Patt trying to get their two unruly children to sit still and smile for the camera.
What a beautiful family even if the poses aren't quite perfect!
Love ya'll,
Kelly and Beth
I like the photo. You will look back on this years later and just laugh! Enjoy the last few days of your mom's visit! Love Julie
now that is a photo I want a copy of --and just look at Isaac -- and Matt, if it is cold enough for kids to have on those hats what about you? what a great photo! great work Patt !!
love GrandDaddy
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