Thursday, December 17, 2009

the tree story

So it's time for the tree story. Every year it's an adventure. And this year, for the first time, I found myself truly longing for a good 'ole Fraser Fir and the relative 'ease' of a trip down the street for a perfectly shaped tree, someone to toss the tree onto the roof of the minivan and a tree stand at home, waiting for Matt to fiddle with it til the tree trunk was perfectly perpendicular to the floor.

Next year :)

Anyways, in the meantime, there were no minivans, no Fraser Firs, no tree stands, and the tree certainly wasn't coming to us - so off we went.

In a strategic chaos-reduction move we left Isaac at home with Xiao Li, hopped into a driver friend's falling-apart-piece-of-junk-bread-loaf-van and promptly got caught in the world's most massive traffic jam.

After more than enough sitting and not nearly enough driving Matt got out of the van and went to go investigate the issue. Turns out that a bunch of cars in the far right hand lane were trying to turn left. Brilliant. Especially considering the road they were turning onto was backed up with construction issues. So Matt took matters into his own hands and started directing traffic.

At this point I could no longer see Matt, but I knew that all of a sudden traffic was really moving. Imagine my surprise when we approached the intersection and I saw my husband in the middle directing traffic! As our van drove by I opened the sliding door, Matt jumped in, and our Christmas tree expedition was underway once again.

It wasn't long before we located this tad-bit-too-tall cedar and decided she was perfect. The tree farm workers loaded it onto a wheelbarrow and we headed back towards the van.

Turns out the tree was a tad bit too big for the van too, but there was no stopping us at this point.

We got the tree home, and up the stairs, and into our living room with lots of hassle and plenty of spilled dirt.

Was it worth it?


But that doesn't mean I won't enjoy next year's 5 minute drive to the tree lot and the simplicity of a pre-cut professionally shaped fir tree!


Paul said...

your tree look great, and for next year we are looking forward to going tree shopping with you too!! we will not have to direct traffic.
love GrandDad

Mom/Grandmama said...

Another great tree hunt! Bet more than a few drivers did a double take to see Matt out directing traffic. And what a sweet silhouette of two little girls decorating their family Christmas tree. And yes, we are looking forward to tree hunting and decorating with you next year!

Unknown said...

Matt directing traffic cracks me up!

Julie Redfern said...

Directing traffic! Hilarious! Great story. I love the silhouette picture too! Love JUlie

Krisanne said...

What a story and adventure! I can just imagine Matt out there directing traffic, but I also imagine it may have been the first time a guy with blond hair had that job! There are tons of "traffic directors" here, not very official, but they always have a whistle, and also are always dark-haired and dark-skinned. Your tree looks great! Love you!

Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

Chris and I are both laughing as we are picturing Matt directing traffic! Great story. Nice tree. :)

JBC said...

Will he start wanting reflective vests as birthday presents? Love the tree and it's adorable decorators.