Friday, February 1, 2013

what we do on vacation

We forget what day it is.  I can't guess how far "behind" I am at blogging because I'm not even positive its Friday.  (Is it?)

We don't have internet access.  Or at least not without some effort.  And seeing as how I'm not putting much effort into figuring out what day it is, I'm definitely not putting much effort into finding wifi.  (though I did today, because I was desperate to get some specific emails)

We eat a lot of popsicles.  More than I would like for you to think we eat. 

We read a lot of books.  At least I just started on this one - reading Heidi to my children and about to finish up novel #2 for myself.  [If novel #2 doesn't sound like a lot of books just remember: I have five young children on vacation with me!  I used to finish two novels a day at the beach.  Now I'm just grateful I can find my kindle when I have a moment to read!]

{Yes, even baby Luke eats popsicles.  There are some big (often sugary sweet) perks to being baby #5.} 

We swim - in the ocean, in the pool, sometimes in swimsuits, and one thrilling time the kids plunged into the waves in their clothes.  

We have a lot of fun.  We have little friends to play with and other mommas to talk to and card-playing buddies and nowhere we have to be before February 10th. 

I might blog again before then.  But I might not.  I guess if I can ever figure out what day it is then I might even upload some photos :) 

[These popsicle eating shots were taken the night Luke and I returned to Cha Am after our marathon doctor-appointment days in Bangkok.  My Isaac said "I was hoping you were going to be back right after we finished breakfast but you didn't come".... everyone was missing each other and it felt so good to be all together again.]


Grandma Jan said...

Looking forward to skyping tonight. All you Thailand pictures have been so fun to see. Thx so much. Love you all. Grandma Jan

Jeanne said...

HI, Laura.

Auntie Jeannie here from BookEnds.

I am so pleased to read/see how your family is enjoying time together at the pool! Such fun memories.

I especially enjoyed seeing your girls homeschool book reports! Very nice. I wish I could actually see/read/hold the books. I'm sure they are precious.

Remember you can order more books for your River Home School !!!

~ Jeanne