Monday, February 11, 2013

swimming swimming

Both my girls are swimmers!  Woohoo for them!  And for all of us!

To clarify: they do not freestyle the length of the pool :)  But they can make it across "the long way" on their own strength.  They can slide down the water slide, bob to the surface and head to the edge to pull themselves up and do it again.

This is a HUGE deal for my initially-water-wary little girls.  And I am so excited for them!

Isaac and John Paul are next on the "teach them to be water-safe" list (but it'll be a while before we spend so much time pool-side again).  Isaac decided he really likes a water slide and John Paul is so fearless that learning to swim is truly a life-giving lesson for him.  He keeps us hopping, so high energy and constantly on the move.

And Luke, another water-lover in the making.  We made it all the way til yesterday before he fell in the pool for the first time.  Remarkable considering his crawl speed and love of action.  (Don't worry, I was right there when he fell and fished him out pronto - his clothing was soaked but he was unharmed!)

Luke spent loads of time in his new float, getting pushed around the pool by all kinds of little friends.  (Our resort was small, filled with like-minded families, and I joked that Luke was the mascot.... loved by nearly everyone and I got plenty of baby sitting offers from the pre-teen girls - took them up on it too!)

Hours and hours and hours of fun!

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