Tuesday, November 24, 2015

the most wonderful time of the year

I've never been one to advocate for delaying the start of the holiday season, but this is definitely the earliest we've ever gotten our tree up.  Thanksgiving weekend is quite full for us, so I knew that if the tree didn't go up last weekend it would be well into Advent before we really had our Christmas stuff out.  So with just a wee bit of convincing, I managed to talk Matt into it :)

This singing snowman mesmerizes Luke.  Perfect, since it managed to keep his eager little hands out of the Christmas decor for quite a while.  The hanging of the ornaments is quite chaotic, but the glee and delight and excitement make it all worth it.

This wall-hanging Advent calendar is really special to everyone - it's one of the few things we take with us when we spend Christmas in America, so in a lifestyle full of transition and change it's a sweet tradition for all of us.

And this year we are hanging it in the same spot that we hung it last year! Yay for two Christmases in a row in the same place!  [This is our fourth apartment since Julianna was born, add in two Christmases in America and that's a lot of "where should we hang it this year" for a not-yet-ten-year-old!]

Matt the official lighting guy, with his lighting buddy.

and the stockings were hung....

One of the things I very much want to do this year is make something that I can hang on the wall to hang our stockings on (seeing as how it looks like we are still decades away from living in a home with a real mantel!)  We shall see if I can figure out how to get it done - I need a long board, and some paint, and maybe I'll order some printed script and then hooks for each stocking?  My creative bones might not be up for it, but my motivation is high :)

The finished product, after the little two were already in bed :) Julianna is happy, this is her new picture pose.  Go figure.

Isaac woke up the next morning talking about our "need for presents".  Luke left for preschool asking if "Christmas will still be here when I get home?" and John Paul proudly told a friend that "its already Christmastime at our house".

We might put the tree up even earlier next year :)


Mom/Grandmama said...

Love this post - such fun with 5 little ones to enjoy the excitement! Presents will start on their way today!

Mom said...

I love that last photo - precious expressions from the big 3!

Julie Redfern said...

Awesome! My kids keep begging to get our Christmas. We have wrapped presents but no where to put them yet! This weekend we should be able to get our tree.

Susan said...


you would obviously need more hooks, but I love this thingy! We plan on making a few next year as gifts for people...big plans at least!

We got a little tree out and the boys just love it. All the others will have to wait until we get home! But I've been ready for a few weeks too!