Sunday, November 1, 2015

team homeschool [soccer]

This year we are playing homeschool soccer again.  And this year our Daddy is one of the coaches ;)

Coach Matt is LOVING his role, and Isaac is LOVING that he made the team age cutoff (last year was a sad season for my then-5-year-old).

[In the picture above you can glimpse Isaac on the far left and Lydia near the goal.  Julianna is at the far end of the field, in a yellow sweatshirt.  Matt and his co-coach John on the right sideline.  There are also two newly minted assistant coaches to help on the day of the tournament.]

It's quite the eclectic team of 6-10 year olds... and this year we plan to enter two teams in the tournament since we had so many interested kids.

It's a fun group of kids, and Matt will be the first to admit that he's having more fun that any of them!   He really likes a whistle :)

Tournament is in two weeks, so we're getting ready!


Mom said...

What fun - glad to hear from Matt this morning personally how he is loving coaching! The kids look ecstatic in the photos!

Paul said...

just win baby, just win

Julie Redfern said...

Fun! Caroline might even join that group and play.