Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sunday dinner, Monday dinner

Matt's been on the road a bit which gives me good reason to spice up our dinner routine.

Sunday we went with the "twilight picnic" theme... Subway sandwiches at a mall with an outdoor playground.  With the sun setting earlier every night this is not a great option for much longer!

And Monday, well Monday we went out again :)  [I cooked tonight! We usually only go out once for a longer trip, but oh well.]

The boys were so interested in this lady making 煎饼.  We had already eaten and they pulled up chairs so they could see well and just watched :)  It was a restful end to a quick dinner and then we were off - scooter riding home to BED!


Julie Redfern said...

We plan on eating out while Justin is gone too! It makes it easier that's for sure.

Grandma Jan said...

Nothing wrong with eating out when daddy's gone. I agree with Julie and you, a nice end to the business of routine, and it just makes sense to me. Love you all.