Tuesday, December 16, 2014

the banners

My big three with their tie-dye banners from the birthday party.  I wish I had gotten a picture of all the kids and their tie-dye but oh well... 

You can see that no one stuck too close to the tie-dye pattern but instead ventured out with their own "what will happen to this design when the colors start to bleed" ideas!

Isaac and Lydia (both top bunkers) hung theirs from the railing of their bed.

I have three remaining banner-napkins so these kiddos are looking forward to tie-dye round two, probably this weekend.  

And how fun is this?!?!  I was shocked by how well the cake turned out.  It came from a box, y'all!  The colors stayed so bright and the layers didn't smudge together.  We will definitely do one like this again!


Julie Redfern said...

The banners look great! And that cake looks so cool!

Mom said...

The banners look like so much fun. Can you buy the tie dye cake mix locally?