Saturday, December 20, 2014

the background scenery

It's something seemingly simple, but I don't really notice it until I see it in pictures.

I live in a sea of towering buildings.  This is an enormous city, an influential city, a fast growing city, home to millions.  And the millions live and work in high rises.  

This is Isaac's preschool class doing morning exercises.  It'll be tricky to find him, he has his jacket hood up covering his hair.  [navy jacket, white sleeve covers, brown pants partially obscured by a classmates flag]

I dropped him off a bit late one morning and he had to rush to catch his class.  I snapped a few pictures as I walked away and when I got home the one thing that stood out most was the brown high rises surrounding his school!   [You can see the rear wing of his school on the left side of the picture, it's a two story building with about 500 students ages 3 to 6.  They have lots of play areas, courtyards, green space and playground equipment.  We are very thankful!]

And then two days later, this one. 

I thought I was taking a picture of the apple truck.  

And there they are again, more brown high rises!  I'm used to it, they don't stand out every day.  But sometimes I can't believe my own picture-eyes!  How in the world did I ever get myself to this crazy massive city?!?!?  

[And the apple truck parked at the gate of our complex is kinda fun, huh?  One way to take care of the middle man in the supply chain.  This truck is from a few provinces away .... pick apples.  load truck.  hire driver.  cruise highway.  park.  sell.  When the truck is empty he will head back for another load.]


Paul said...

good post, believe me, I have noticed those buildings

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas from Bismarck ND. Am continuing to read and love your blog! Love the story of Issac finishing his Bible and the encouragement of his sisters. Such loving parents you. Have a blessed holiday!
Connie H

Mom said...

I've noticed those big buildings too - haven't blended into the background for us yet!