Wednesday, May 22, 2013

walking street restaurants

We have this trendy new walking street near our apartment.  It is chock full of fun restaurants and you can't beat the location (less than a mile away, a nice walk perfect for summer evenings). 

Last weekend we walked down there with some of our dear neighbor friends.  Plenty of room for the kiddos to run and play (and climb on statues) while we adults visited and ate.  We had seven kids aged 7, 5, 4, 2, 2, 1, and 7 months.  We laughed,  wondering what the other diners thought of the spectacle we were creating... in situations like this I'm sure that most people assume John Paul belongs to our friends, after all he "matches" them.  But then again, multiple children in one family are such an anomaly that our friends (with their own two young children) create a bit of a scene just themselves, without the added confusion of a white family with five children (four blonds and one who looks, well, Asian!)

I can't tell you how many times we've been out with these friends and I've said "Are you sure you don't mind being out with us? We create such a scene!"  But they are so gracious.  So they choose to grin and say "it's ok, we can go out without you guys too!"  Ha! 

So we do dinner together (often on the weekends, when both us mommas are tired of the cooking routine and ready for a break!)  I bounce their baby while they rescue stray chopsticks for my children.  We gather a crowd and laugh about it later. 

We two mommas see each other nearly every day.  I can't tell you how many times I've heard their older daughter's sweet voice calling "Laura ayi" as she bounces up our porch steps and opens our sliding door like it's her own home she's entering. 

It's a sweet, sweet friendship.  And we'll miss them terribly when we move.  Sure, we'll still live in the same city (for a while anyways).  But it'll be different.  So so different.

[Sorry no pics of them, I wish I could but....]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

walks with the family, laughs with friends, a no cook evening meal night, life is truly blessed.
So love you all, BN