Thursday, May 2, 2013

my soup pot

I got myself a new soup pot.  My old one (which used to seem soooooo big) is no longer big enough.

Just one of the 'signs of the times' around here.  I have five big eaters, and a very active husband.  We consume a lot of calories on our own.  And we love to host - - -

There were years when I always had frozen meals at the ready - it was so easy.  Every time I made a 9x13 I split it into two smaller square pans.  One for dinner, one for the freezer. 

Not anymore.  We practically finish a 9x13.  Doubling recipes is normal.  I cannot imagine what feeding this crew will be like in ten years. 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Glad you're moving to a bigger kitchen hopefully with a bigger stove with more eyes for cooking! Love you all so much!

Karen said...

I know how much I rely on my big soup pot and I only have one mouth to feed- not seven so I can only imagine how you feel! So congrats on a bigger better soup pot! It's the little things, isn't it? One of my professors gave me her old hand-crank pasta maker and I'm so excited to start making pasta.

Jaci said...

I hear you! I often wonder the same thing...with two pre-teen boys the food consumption has already doubled...but Brent always tells me I haven't seen anything yet!! :-)