Saturday, October 9, 2010

how are we doing?

So how are we? 

Well, first of all, we are overwhelmed at the love and care and concern  - your blog comments, your emails, your phone calls, your encouraging words, your prayers - all for our little family.  Thank you.  I've said this before, but it bears repeating.  We are many things (see below!) but we are definitely NOT lonely! 

As to how our hearts are doing, the short answer is: it depends.  Some moments of some days are easier than others.  Every day gets better.  

In the (almost) four weeks that we knew of this little baby boy, he began to occupy a large part of our hearts.  We thought we were bringing him home.  And we prayed like we were bringing him home. 

You know, I'm not sure anyone prayed specifically for this little boy before we matched with him.  It's entirely possible that he spent his first 35 weeks in utero prayer-less.  Maybe not even one person.  And then we started praying, and many of you prayed. 

I believe, I know that God is pleased when His people humble themselves and pray.  And I believe, I know that God delights in answering prayer. 

So, somewhere out there, we still pray, is a little boy who will grow up to love brownies and have a heart that is soft towards the Gospel. 

In the meantime, our hearts are many things.  Our hearts are confident in God's leading and the specific ways He directed us during the final days of our failed adoption.  He is still in control, He is not surprised.

We are sad that we are not in Kansas holding a newborn baby boy.  This (sitting on our sofa, fingers on the keyboard) is not what I planned to be doing this evening.  If I was in charge of writing the "adoption story script" this is not the scene I would have chosen. 

We are also full of hope.  We sooooo want to bring home a baby, and we know there are babies who need homes, and we know God delights to set the lonely in families and we hope that one will come home to our family - soon!

Thank you for praying.  We are amazed at how many of you care so deeply about our family. 

[Also, one other piece of info because I know many of you care about this little boy you joined us in praying for:  I am not sure where *our* little boy is - I am pretty sure he was placed for adoption, but I do not know definitively if a family accepted him or what happened.... we hope to find out soon.  We are praying he is in a home where he is loved and cared for and hearing the message of the Gospel.]

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