Sunday, March 29, 2009

hello hello

We are home!! All three kids were great little travelers. Julianna had her sunglasses packed in her carry on so she'd be ready for all our hometown sunshine! Lydia was busy as ever, but we had plenty of extra seats and she got to burn off some energy. Isaac, of course, slept 99.9 % of the way- if you've never flown with a two week old, I highly recommend it. I put him in the sling and it is a bit like having a 8 pound handbag, except cuter :)

It feels so good to be back on our own turf. Girls are snoozing in their beds and Isaac snoozing in Grandma's arms. We are looking forward to seeing some friends later this afternoon :)

Well, I don't think I can hold off any longer... all those bulging suitcases are calling my name.


Chris, Leah, Austin, Bennett and Lucy said...

Glad you got back safely...we will miss you though. We enjoyed having you here for awhile though!

Krisanne said...

So glad to hear you are all home safely! Please say "hi" to Grandma! Hope you're all having fun together!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Glad you had a safe and easy trip. Look forward to some "at home" photos soom! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it smoothly with no throw-ups. Happy unpacking! Love you, Julie