Tuesday, April 19, 2011

daddy dates

All three kids enjoy going on "dates" with Matt.... now that Isaac is in the mix we are hoping to change the name from "date" to something a little more gender-neutral, but it's a term that works.

Isaac (and the girls) know exactly what a date is thanks to my sweet husband who consistently takes ME out on dates :)  Isaac is not a huge fan of date night, but our dear friend and #1 babysitter is irresistible...

"Mommy, tonight Daddy going to take you on a date and Susan Ayi will take me to eat a bang bang tang [lollipop] and help me change my pajamas" he asks.  Yep, the promise of a lollipop is enough to keep any tears at bay :)  

Well Monday Matt took Isaac on a date.  Actually, it was glorified errand-running, but it kept the two of them occupied for house most of the day and involved lunch out, a trip to the home improvement store, and - get this! - a visit to a construction equipment retailer.  Seriously! 

One of the stops was the car dealership for a 1500km car check-up.  And while they waited for the car the two of them browsed front end loaders and excavators.  Little man was LOVING it!  Matt even called me so that Isaac could tell me first hand that he was standing in the bucket of an excavator :)  He talked and talked, so excited to tell me what he was busy doing on his date with daddy!

And he brought home photographic evidence of his outing. 

Even today he is still talking about "sitting in the cab of the excavator" and the big wheels on the front end loader.  It definitely made an impression! 

The girls and I loved our girl time at home.  I had really high hopes for dyeing Easter eggs and thought I had a perfect plan when I realized Isaac was out for the morning.  Surely the girls and I could whip up some beautiful eggs, right?  And then I realized that on its cross-Pacific trip my egg dyeing kit hit a rough stretch and all the little color tablets had pulverized into one big grainy mess at the bottom of a ziploc bag.

"Oh no, all our eggs are going to be one yuck shade of brown" I warned the girls.  But they were undeterred, and as it turned out, the eggs weren't all brown after all. 

They were all green :)  Guess who didn't care one lick?  My ladies!  "Oh, so beautiful"  One impressed little lady even pronounced them "gorgeous" :) 

[A friend has an extra kit and I'm hoping to try again later this week, but even if we don't get to round two this year's egg dyeing was a (memorable) success.] 


Mom/Grandmama said...

Wow, look at the grin on Isaac's face - he definitely enjoyed his "date with daddy"! The girls are adorable too - good job on dressing up green eggs - now you just need some ham. Love you bunches! Mom/Grandmama

Grandma Jan said...

Precious pictures, Laura. Thanks for sharing some of your life with us. So fun. Love, Grandma Jan

JBC said...

Everyone looks so happy! We miss you all bunches and bunches.

Julie Redfern said...

Will loved the pictures! I think he is jealous of Isaac's date!

Leslie said...

What fun! My boys also love all things trucks. You know you are a Mom of a boy when you start pointing out dump trucks and you realize Isaac isn't even with you. :)

You could try these eggs:


Kayla Rupp said...

This is a GREAT picture of your girls!

Love and miss you,