Tuesday, January 11, 2011

what exactly do you do in the last days?

Well, to be honest, it's not all that exciting.  We do a little packing.  A lot of playing.  Some hard goodbyes.  Yesterday afternoon the whole family went on a final Target run and the girls got new tennis shoes.  Tomorrow we do dentist appointments. 

I finished editing the blog posts from 2010 into book format.  It always amazes me how much can happen in a year and I like going back through all the posts and remembering.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective) our luggage allowance is quite large.  I'm always a smidge embarrassed by how much stuff we manage to pack, and this year I have been more committed than ever to take "less".  But you'd be surprised how quickly it adds up!  Turns out "less" is several hundred pounds of stuff!

The kids definitely know that change is in the air.  We talk about friends we are leaving behind, and friends we will see in just a few days.  The girls tear a link off of their countdown chains every morning after breakfast.

Tomorrow night will be a tough-y.  We have just loved Wednesday night supper, the friends that gather there, and the AWANA program that follows.  I will definitely be taking a photo of the girls in their Cubbies vests :)

Isaac picked up croup (perfect timing, huh?) and I'm hoping we manage to isolate the germs and the girls don't get it too.  His cough sounds horrible, and I'm hoping the worst of it is over before we head to the airport super early Friday morning.

This is surely about as random as any post can get, so I'll stop while I'm still ahead :)  Maybe the randomness is indicative of my overall state of mind - filled with some last minute to-dos, not sure what to focus on, waiting for a big 'ole change barreling towards us.


JJ said...

thinking of ya'll as you prepare to go back!! i love keeping up with your sweet family!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Your post did cover a lot of topics today! You mind must be working at super speed and overtime getting your family ready to leave Friday. So sorry to hear Isaac has a cough - we'll pray he heals quickly and no one else gets it! We love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Random? I'd guess packing for 5 for an very extended time period, sick kido,the emotions of leaving, going to a new area, preparing for the flight with 3 sets of ?'s, anticipating the ?'s so there won't be so many, keeping a sense of calm as you traverse the miles, needless to say the small things to remember like...favorite stuffed toy, blanket... patience.
Random? Naw...just a huge bucket list. Oh, yes. Praying for each of you. Love BN