Saturday, April 30, 2016

GEMS awards night

The girls completed their first year of GEMS Bible club.  They had a blast meeting every other Wednesday night with these girls.  They each worked hard and earned a lot of badges :)

There were three Lydia's in her class!  Ack!  How in the world did we choose such a popular name?

Julianna seems tall to me but this night I noticed that she was shorter than all but one of her classmates (all 4th graders).  Hmmm, maybe she's not as tall as I thought she was ;)

With their teachers, Ms. Denise

and Ms. Anna.  Thankful for both these ladies and the time they invested in my daughters!

the girls are looking forward to another year in GEMs starting next fall :)

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

And Lydia is one of the tallest in her class. Both girls are growing up way too fast! Getting excited about spending our summer with you! We love you!!