Thursday, August 20, 2015


Seriously cute.

We had a long day of rain Monday, and when the winds picked up early afternoon it got pretty yucky.  I got drenched picking the boys up from school - which is not even a block away, and I was carrying at umbrella!  But the umbrella kept getting blown inside-out and even whipped John Paul's umbrella right out of his hands!

We woke up the next morning to several downed trees in our apartment complex, including the one right outside our dining room window.  We have a big window seat at this window, and also in three of the bedrooms.  The perfect perch for watching workers with heavy equipment clean up a fallen tree.

And if you are wondering how much we love our house guest .....

the answer is VERY VERY MUCH!

We did a bit of school Wednesday morning and then took her on a little neighborhood tour.  At the end of the walk we picked the little boys up at school and walking out the school gate Luke slipped his hand into Anna's... he's smitten :)  It's good for him to have a new audience; Luke has a big need to talk, and he loves good listeners!

And the girls, well, Anna lets them cuddle under the guest bed blankets while she reads to them.

John Paul and Isaac are big Anna-fans too.  I'll have to get some more pictures tomorrow.

I've so enjoyed getting to know her and it's just plain fun to have a new friend in the house.  So grateful for these weeks we get to share with her.


Grandmama said...

Glad the kids are having a great time with Anna!

Grandma Jan said...

Looks so wonderful for you all. Glad Anna is there.

Julie Redfern said...

That's awesome!

Kim said...

:) :) :)
This makes me so happy! What adorable children! Not too many things in this world are sweeter than a little child's hand slipping into yours!

Anonymous said...

House guests who love on your kids! Blessings abound!