Sunday, December 4, 2011


We need a family Christmas card photo (tis the season, right? - who doesn't need a good photo?!?).

So Matt set the camera on it's timer function, we settled ourselves in the living room and all was going just fine......  until I told Isaac that Bei Bei (his stuffed tiger) was not going to be part of the picture. 

Sad moment for the little man.  And photographic proof for all of you who have been deceived by my precious Isaac into thinking that he is a dream child who never creates a moment's mess or worry for his Momma :) 

Good news is he recovered quickly when we compromised - no tiger, but he could hold his yellow pick up truck. 

The process was quick and painless.  We got a great photo and headed off to our small group church.  Look for it coming soon to a mailbox near you (and be sure to check out Isaac's truck).

If you'd like a picture (and who wouldn't?!?    ha!) and you think you might not be on our list send me a quick email with your mailing address.  [My email is my first and last names - all one word - at yahoo dot com.]


Paul said...

Oh -- so sad -- and by the way. Making the ole Christmas card photo does not make for happy memories as I best recall

Love Granddad

Susan said...

I imagine this years Christmas card might be one of the easiest ever! I can't wait to see Isaac's yellow truck!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Total devastation on Isaac's face - glad he recovered with a yellow truck! We are looking forward to getting this year's family Christmas card! Love you and miss you all, especially at this glorious, joyous season of the year.

Julie Redfern said...

Ours wasn't too painful this year. Just had to keep Will in line, go figure! Can't wait to get the picture.