Tuesday, December 6, 2011

little boy no more

Last night I cut Isaac's hair.  A lot.  This was no small trim around the ears, but a major cut. He went from this

to this.

Full disclosure: I don't like it.  I miss my little boy.  And you have to admit he had a gorgeous head of hair - perfectly silky blond locks that loved to be tousled.  But Matt was more than ready for the change.  And Matt loves the new look. 

Moral of the story: When in doubt, Daddy chooses hair styles for the little men of the family. 

So we got out the clippers and went to work. 

And work it was.  I was cutting off four to five INCHES of hair!!! 

Isaac didn't even squirm once - ha!!!!

We've got a little touching-up to do, but that shouldn't be a problem.  Isaac went straight from the hair salon (aka dining area) to the bath and while soaking pronounced "I want to cut my hair again on Saturday."  When I asked him why he said "because I LOVE getting my hair cut". 

That's not exactly the same tune he had been singing about fifteen minutes earlier when the novelty of the clippers had worn off and I still had gobs of hair to cut through.  But I'm grateful the experience left a good impression.  (I nipped the skin behind his ear once before when I was trimming with the scissors - ouch! - so at least with the clippers I don't have to worry about drawing blood!)

He is still such a handsome little guy - but all of a sudden looks so much more like a three year old (birthday coming up in March) and less and less like the Isaac I still think of as "baby of the family" (though not for long!).


Grandma Jan said...

What a change. I like it, but I love the longer hair too on toddler little boys too so if Mom is having a hard time cutting it, I understand. Glad Isaac loves haircuts. Jan

JBC said...

Awww he's all grown up! Way to be brave :)!!!!!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Isaac - you look so almost 3 handsome! I'm sure your mama is saving those shorn locks for you. Love to you all!