The bald-headed legacy continues around this house, but Lydia is busy growing lots of hair so maybe it won't be too many more months! Lydia's locks definitely have a bit of curl to them, and I'm excited to see what the "final product" will look like - I tried to capture a bit of the curl in this photo, but her hair is still so wispy, it doesn't really show up in a photograph.

Her big sister Julianna is miles ahead of her in the hair department - she's finally got enough for a ponytail! Just a few months shy of her third birthday, and she still hasn't needed a haircut!
I have only trimmed Caroline's 2 times and she is almost 4! She has also cut her hair 3 times but the results have been fairly good for a do-it-yourself job. Will on the other hand has lots of hair and it waves so I am glad he has something besides stick straight like Caroline.
Sweet girls - just 4 short weeks til we're there! Dad and I are cleaning in the attic this morning and just took a break to get masks - dusty! Found some of your old books to bring with us. Love you!
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