Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whew! We made it!

Almost 8 weeks after we moved out of our Grand Forks home we have finally landed somewhere permanent!  HOME AGAIN!

We got in mid-afternoon on Tuesday and the past few days have been super full.  Mostly of good things and happy re-unitings (with people and places and food and memories and roller blades) but also a few reality checks (has my washer always sounded like a helicopter? was the dryer really this slow? is the sky usually this gray?).  Oh, and Julianna's "I knew we were home when I smelled the air" comment.... "home" smells like air pollution?!?  yikes.

But mostly it's been full of amazing-ness, so good to be back.

It's also been full of roller blades :). And everyone loves it the most when Daddy gets out there too!

When they aren't playing roller hockey they are building Legos.

I've been baking (6 loads of bread and counting) and washing laundry (yesterday I finally got to the pile of clothes we wore in San Francisco in late January!) and shopping (hello empty fridge and pantry... going to need to fix that).  Matt's busied himself trying to register with the local police, pay our electricity bill, get cash from the bank, and catch up on the thousand details that get left behind when life hits the road.   Simple tasks take a long time, and traffic is crazy, and the internet is slow and we are re-adjusting our expectations to our current reality.  One day at a time!

{I'm going to back-post a few things from the first half of February so stay tuned!}

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