Sunday, May 28, 2017

Children's Day (Luke)

Luke's preschool class did a Children's Day performance, and my little man was pumped.  He's nothing if not confident, and the stage did not intimidate him one bit.

He was pretty proud of this ancient Chinese warrior outfit, and especially the spear that he carried ("it's real, but not for hurting people" was his comment)

Waiting stage left with his adoring fan club in the wings :) This was after his official performance before marching back up on stage for a bow.

I love this picture.  Those soaring high rises are our apartment complex.  You can see the watching crowds, and also the backside of the teacher who dressed up like a life-size warrior (as opposed to a 5 year old sized warrior).  Luke is the blond, obviously.

Yay for you Luke!  What a great show!


Paul said...

now which one was Luke again? Hard to find in that photo!
love Granddaddy

Grandmama said...

Luke, you did a super awesome job being a warrior - so proud of you!