Friday, April 28, 2017

our WRITING celebration

This year was my first small group teaching gig, Isaac and two of his buddies in a little writing class.  I taught a curriculum I used a few years ago with the girls.  Mostly, I really enjoyed it.  But there were a few classes that left me thinking "at least we only do this once a week!"

These boys made SO MUCH progress!  I think that was probably my favorite part .... seeing their confidence and enthusiasm for writing grow.  I'm a firm believer in the "people like to do what they are good at, they even like to do what they *think* they are good at" kind of motivation.  So my biggest goal for the year was to convince these guys that not only could they write, but they were good at it!

Anyone who wants to be a good writer is going to have to practice a lot.  Hopefully, we will be back at this again with these same boys.  And I'm glad to have my feet wet in the 'teaching other people's children' category :).

For our final class we invited the dads and each read a story aloud for the group.  Older siblings (including my girls) read too because, Why Not?

And then we ate cupcakes.

Later that evening - it was date night!  We explored a gorgeous new park and walked for miles.  so restful

Not too bad for a Friday!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I love your philosophy of teaching!