Monday, January 16, 2017

moving carpets

Last night I hit my lego-limit.  Too many legos covering too many surfaces in the living room too much of the time.  There were legos everywhere.  Piles on the carpet, creations on the footstool, lego airplanes on the coffee table and lego dump trucks on the bookshelf and lego men under the couch cushions.  We were swimming in legos.  The kids were happy.  Mama was not.

I decided something needed to change before I lost my marbles.  The legos simply must move (mostly) to the boys room. But to do that I was going to need a decent piece of carpet in their room.  The most likely selection?  the girls room carpet!  It's perfect.  Durable, low pile, and the right size.

The girls were not thrilled at the prospect but mama was at the end of her rope.  I wasn't in a position to worry about carpet-less girls.  But, ....lucky little ladies, a friend posted a message later last night that she is selling her carpet (in prep for a move) and I bought it to add a little warmth and snazz and comfort to their bedroom.

So this morning the girls woke to the news that God provided new carpet for their room, and the boys went to school with the message that "Mama was going to be re-arranging their room and the legos were moving in".

While we were moving furniture and carpet and unearthing dust bunnies (and, of course, more lego - in every corner, lego lego lego!) we decided to set up the extra little back room as a sewing nook for the girls.  It's perfect. So now the boys room has carpet, and legos, and happy children.

And the girls room feels empty without their sewing machine and the shelves of supplies.  The carpet doesn't arrive till Wednesday so it does feel a bit bare.  And the little back room is the perfect sewing nook - large enough for one girl to work easily, or two, assuming they are getting along well :).

Luke took the only photos of the finished results but I should have taken photos of the lego-less living room!  ha!

Then later in the afternoon we walked to a friend's birthday party -

where we played and ate pizza and enjoyed ourselves immensely.  and everyone was excited to come home and show Daddy our newly arranged house!  I was mostly excited to walk into a house where I didn't swim through legos!


Mom said...

Those are some serious legos. Know you're glad to have legos in the boys' room and the girls will like having a sewing room. Hopefully all stays neater. Adapting for your sanity!

Julie Redfern said...

That's one reason I'm loving having a basement here in KS. ALL legos stay in the basement!!

Anonymous said...

I've been away from your family (blog) far too long! I love the stories., descriptive views you tell. Yes, too many legos-small feet killers, vacuum cloggers- can tip Moms off to drastic measures like house rearranging!