Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Friday lunch

Let's say you just lost your first tooth.  And it was the highlight of your week.  And then you found out your buddy Layla lost her first tooth too! Good times!

Luke's the star student.  And he drew a picture of our family.

Luke is the little guy, bottom left.  Isn't that awesome?  Also I haven't asked him why he drew two houses but I'm pretty sure I know the answer - this little guy has done the globally-mobile life long enough to know that two houses is standard issue :)  We've been back in country almost two months and he still prays and thanks God that we "live in China now and came back to our old house".  Oh buddy, me too!


Julie Redfern said...

cute family portrait!

Mom/Grandmama said...

Can't believe I missed commenting on this one after all that hoopla and excitement over JP's first lost tooth! And a friend to share the experience. That's is one happy boy - a beautifully genuine smile of glee!