Both sets of Grandparents contributed large piles of presents to our Christmas morning loot :) We were able to FaceTime with each of them and bless them with a bit of our chaos - ha!
There was a good deal of hockey-related gifts, including sticks for Matt and Isaac and John Paul, and a first set of roller blades for Luke.
Oh the crafts - these girls could open a small shop! so fun
He realized this summer that he loves checkers. Chess too. Best to have several options :)
I thought this bed-top writing/art desk would be perfect for my oldest daughter. She agreed.
A new water bottle. This boy is motivated to explore, examine, take-apart, discover, dismantle. His objects of interest (victims?!?!) often require some repair work. This fall he did a little "research" into "What makes his leak proof water bottle leak proof". After a good bit of work, his water bottle was no longer leak proof. sigh. {and also, I'm so curious to see where this leads him in life... he's definitely a figure-out-er. thankful for friends that remind me that one day he won't just take apart, he will be able to put it back together!}
Lego. Star Wars. a winning combination
more lego, more Star Wars.
outside for some pre-lunch hockey
homemade. of course.
bought the girls this puzzle - didn't realize how much I loved puzzles! this was a fun treat and reminded me of holidays with Grandma Ruth when I would retreat from the crowd and just enjoy a puzzle and a quiet visit with another puzzle-fan.
mini-concert. both girls played some of their favorite Christmas tunes. John Paul belts out Hark the Herald loud enough that he could lead an auditorium full of carolers with no mic :)
our Christmas lunch table
and a family shot by the tree
a gift to celebrate with these precious people.
Merry Christmas!