Wednesday, October 21, 2015

school times three

We've got all kinds of little mini-schools running under the big home school heading.

Isaac, working with his tutor on character recognition.  Isaac's transition into local school first grade has been almost picture perfect.  Unfair advantage that I learned a lot of first-grade-mama lessons the hard way when his big sisters went through this transition three years ago :)  He's ticking right along, and between his time at school and his tutor sessions at home (half an hour, two mornings a week) he's making quick progress!

Later this morning (after tutor, and when the other nitty gritty was finished) we got out our baking soda and vinegar volcano.  Perfect hands on fun since our Astronomy chapter is on Venus.  Our red food coloring made for pink lava...

My afternoon home school-ers!

We read piles and piles and piles of books.  Homeschooling at it's best, right?  I know time is passing quickly, and all too soon they will be holding pencils and erasing mistakes and watching baking soda volcanoes erupt.  In the meantime, I'm gonna treasure these afternoons of warm little boy bodies tucked up next to mine, listening to me read Digging-est Dog.  Again.


Paul said...

I like Digging-est Dog, and Donkey Donkey too.
love Grandaddy

Mom said...

I like Digging-est Dog too! Sounds like homeschool is going great! Love you all and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Now I need to go to the library and find that book! Sounds like things are going well. Julie

Grandma Jan said...

Sound like good books to me too. Fun post . Love you all.

Jaci said...

I love that book! Right now, I read "No DAVID!" on repeat. I am positive that Daniel thinks his name is David (Or that the author really meant to say 'No Daniel') and delights that there is a book written about him! :-)

Anonymous said...

Amazing how repeat readings outlast the reader but certainly not the listener! Love the process of reading. Truly amazing!