Saturday, August 9, 2014

counting pandas

People around here get a little crazy about the panda.  One morning while stuck in slow traffic the kids and I started counting pandas - they are everywhere!  Pandas decorate the hoods of taxis, commercial buildings, public parks, everything.

Once we started spotting pandas we couldn't stop!

This one is a personal favorite.  He's actually "climbing" up the building and from street level all you can see is the backside of an overgrown panda scaling a massive mall!

We went to dinner with a group of friends (fun!) at a burger place (yum!) on the mall rooftop.  And there was the rest of the panda :)

It was too dark when we left the restaurant for me to get a picture of the panda from street level... next time :)


Mom said...

Love it. I want to see the street side view too!

Grandma Jan said...

Something so good for China to be proud of.