Remember that game? Tetris? Where you twist and then place different shaped pieces to try to fill up your empty space with as few gaps as possible?
Until earlier this week I played Tetris with remarkable regularity. Only I played the refrigerator version. Our fridge was small, but if I played my pieces right, I could fit just about everything.
And then sometimes I couldn't fit everything, and other times I got tired of playing Tetris with my refrigerator.
Then I resorted to whining and complaining.
[I only wish I was joking. My children and I are all working hard to break the whining/complaining habit.]
Anyways, I finally played my last game of refrigerator Tetris. Thanks to a scratch and dent appliance dealer we went for a MAJOR size upgrade.
From this
to this.
Funny thing is this is the second time I've blogged about a refrigerator upgrade :) In June 2008 we jumped sizes. And now, 6 years (and three additional children) later, we jumped again. I think this is our last fridge for a good long while!
You can read the other fridge post here. Check out tiny Julianna (age 2 1/2) and Lydia (just about to walk). I think it goes without saying that our daily food consumption increased significantly during the years we used that old fridge!
That is quite the upgrade and well needed and deserved!
That's a great upgrade!! Woohoo!
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