Saturday, October 27, 2012

whoa fall!

There are plenty of weeks that our weather is nothing to brag about.  But this week?  It seems every day is just beautiful! 

Today when the big three finished their quiet hour I told them "you must go directly outside to play, it's way too pretty to stay inside even one more minute!"

And they spent the entire morning outside too.  

This garden provides hours and hours and hours of entertainment.  Who knew dirt could fascinate so many little people for so long?

(in the yellow vest is a little neighbor friend - we're still at only five children here!)

Several times this week I moved Luke's exersaucer to the porch.  He's definitely at a stage where he has to be strapped into something or he is everywhere, eating everything!

[Behind him is our shoe rack - we, like every other household here - follow a no shoes in the house policy.  But with twelve feet (no shoes for Luke yet) we constantly had a big shoe explosion on the porch!  So I bought two metal racks, stacked them, and now everyone has their own drawer for shoes.  Pretty handy.]

And probably my favorite pictures from this morning..... I handed Julianna the camera and she captured us post-walk, heading in to lunch.

John Paul's tears showed up when I communicated that he could not lick his unopened Cheetos bag.  I know, I know... cruelty.

And then Lydia wanted a picture of her sitting next to Luke in the double.  I love this... Lydia grinning at him, Luke gazing up at her. 


Krisanne said...

Love it! Glad you're getting some nice weather there! I know one little boy here who also loves to play with dirt! Wish they could all play in the dirt together! Someday...

Grandmama said...

Wonderful fall story and photos - looks like you were all having fun!

Paul said...

really nice pictures Julianna,
love Granddaddy