Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandma and Grandpa arrived Thursday night :)  I forgot to take my camera to the airport (but I did take four kids, so that's my excuse for no camera!) but Grandpa got an airport picture!

Our first day was fun-filled!  Lots of just visiting and Luke-holding (so far he's not a fan of the paci but his Momma is hoping he'll change his mind, and now that Grandma is here I have renewed vision!)

playing games

learning to use a remote control car and.....

applying lip gloss (fun gift from Grandma!)

(Lydia and her lip gloss reminded me of the picture below.... when Grandma came after Isaac was born she brought something similar for her granddaughters - that's Lydia March 2009, working on opening her new lip smackers!)

Right now Grandma and Grandpa are out with the three big kids while Luke snoozes and I enjoy a bit of peace and quiet at home.  Most of the photos are on the other camera, so I'll be back with more updates later!

Our plans are for lots of just hanging out and fellowship together as a family.  woohoo!

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

Wow - what fun to have Grandma and Grandpa there - we are envious! Love the photo of Lydia as a toddler - now there's a little girl who grew some hair! Love you all - enjoy the fun, fellowship, and the chance to catch your breath!