Saturday, September 10, 2011

i will post again, i promise :)

I've gotten way behind on blogging this week and now I need to get pictures off of Dad's camera before I can really do a thorough post. 

The quick summary is: everyone is having a great time! I am feeling LOTS better (probably partly because the temps have finally cooled off and partly because Mom is helping so much around the house and partly because the weeks keep ticking by and soon I will be 2nd trimester!)

Right now the kids are in the courtyard.  Julianna was busy making "gingerbread brown soup" - which was the perfect activity for her to enjoy on her own :)  "I'm just being creative", she said.

But now her siblings have joined her in the creativity and things are quickly spiraling out of muddy control :)  It's already evident that Isaac is going to need a thorough rinsing from the waist down and a new set of clothing. 

oh well :)  fun times call for new sets of clothing, especially when you are a two and a half year old boy with a bowl of water, a chopstick, and a weed-overgrown garden full of rich brown dirt at your disposal!! 

1 comment:

The Huffmans said...

been missing you! Looks like you guys are getting maxium use out of the courtyard! only topped if you started raising some chickens out there!