I love it.
The guy in the top left corner is Matt. Julianna said "his eyes are like that because it is bright outside and he is squinting." Beside Matt is "a bunch of pine trees and a banana". The rest of the family, including Granddaddy, are clustered down at the bottom of the picture beside "the willow trees".
She's just started drawing our family, and I think it is so cool. I'm going to pick one of my favorites and frame it.
Anybody have good ideas of how to display kids' artwork? Our refrigerator door is always full, I mail lots of it to family in the States, and tape it to practically every door in our house. But I need more options.
My SIL made some into magnets, you could scan them and have them on a rotating screen saver for your computer or a digital picture frame. So cool she is drawing the family!!
Laura, print it on fabric sheets and make it into a quilt you can keep forever. Love your blog. Your Mom sent it to me...
Carol (Deason) McDowell
(Carol - what a great idea. I'll get my sister-in-law Kay to teach me to quilt!)
Julianna - I love your picture of your family! What a great gift - I can't wait until Granddaddy brings it home to me! (If you Mom will let it go? Maybe it's just a internet gift?) But thank you so much - I love and miss you all. Wish I was there with you! Love, Grandmama
Julianna - I forgot to mention that I love that you drew all your family members with big smiles. Baba has an especially big smile! What a happy family! Love again, Grandmama
No, Mom, it is a real gift, not just an internet gift. Dad already has it in his suitcase. You can put in on your fridge!
I think we'll have lots of family pictures before long ... she is producing them pretty quickly :) so I don't feel the need to hang on to this one.
I have seen people make digital photo books of the art of their children. You could probably have one for each year. I haven't done one yet, but I assume you just scan it in as a jpeg and then download it to Shutterfly or Snapfish and you have it back in a great book. That way you can also put several pictures on one page. This is a little more time consuming, but I think a great way to preserve! The examples I have seen have been great!!!
A low-tech way would be to make an indoor clothes line. String it low across a wall and have clothes pins on it and that way they can hang their own artwork up when ever the are done. Love the picture of the family Julianna! Caroline just draws her daddy! Love Julie
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