I just love this photo. I think the caption should be something like, "when life hands you big sisters, eat their pink plastic shoes!"

He makes hilarious faces and is becoming more vocal. Let's face it, he's going to have to be a talker if he expects to get heard around here!

Take special note of all his hair.
See it?
Look closely.
There it is!

Seriously, Isaac is the "hairiest" baby we've ever had :) It might not look like much to you, but there is definitely some hair up there on his sweet head. Matt and I have both commented on how "much" hair Isaac has!
He brings lots of joy and delight (and dirty diapers and wet burp cloths) to our full and exciting lives. I am eager to see what his first year of life will bring!
You have 3 of the cutest children ever! It's just not fair they all look like Matt!
love, susan
Wonderful wonderful-- such a handsome Grandson ! and he most certainly will have some chal.. - opportunities that would make for a need to express himself.
What a sweetie! Sure wish we could be there to watch Isaac's personality develop. Thanks for the gorgeous grandchildren!
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