Monday, January 26, 2009

sounds at midnight

Here's a little video Matt took at midnight from our bedroom window..... as in, this is exactly what it sounded like in our bedroom. It was unbelievably loud. I'm no professional on matters like this, but I think to get the full effect of what it is like to be here, you'd have to plug your computer speakers into a high quality surround sound system turned up full blast.

The fireworks calmed down by 1 am. And started up again at 6am on the dot. It's a little after 8 pm now, and the neighbors are already proving that they saved a few fireworks from last night to use this evening. I'll have to remember to thank them later :)

PS - Matt narrated this video. What? You couldn't hear his voice? That's how loud it was. His face was inches from the microphone and the mic didn't pick up his voice. IT IS LOUD. Now do you believe me?

And I do have to end with another little advertising plug for a white noise machine. Yep, the girls slept through the whole thing. We absolutely could not believe it. I mean, they've slept through a lot of noise, but this one night of fireworks surpasses all previous white noise machine victories. By half past midnight, I would have paid serious money to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep (I love a good solid night of sleep and five hours just doesn't cut it!). Several times Matt went in to check on them, certain they must be sitting in their beds, awake and absolutely terrified. Nope, they were sleeping. But I do think it wasn't the best night of sleep - Lydia was pretty crabby this morning, and Julianna yawned at 9am. Here's hoping we ALL get a little more quality sleep this evening!


kkvernen said...

That is amazing. I am so sorry!!! I was talking on the phone to Matt yesterday and got a little more perspective of the loudness of the fireworks! WOW!!!!! I am glad the girls were able to sleep some though! Hopefully you can get a nap in too!

Anonymous said...

whoa!! that is loud, and up-close, bet it was something outside - I reckon they are ready for sound effects for most any war movie.
